Set the tone

I’m a MD. No, not a medical doctor, but a musical director. It’s one part of my job that I absolutely love. I spend time during the week picking music apart and putting it back together in my head. I work to get an idea of how I want my bands to play the songs and transitions for our corporate worship experience. The weeks are great, but Sundays are go time! That’s where I find out if I prepared enough.

Sunday’s at Cross Point start early. I’m usually in the building by 6. It’s important to start Sunday mornings off in a positive way. Early rehearsals can be so hectic, and there are many things that can throw a rehearsal in a downward spiral. I have to ready myself to lead the teams. These are some of the items on my Sunday morning “set the tone” check list:

-Be early. This let’s me get in and gather my thoughts. I hate being in a rush when I don’t have to be.

-Be prepared. I need to know my parts and the bands’ parts. I need to know what I want to hear from everybody else. I also have to be prepared spiritually. I need to know my heart before I do anything else.

-Be steady. I have to lead with steady direction. It lets the team know that regardless of the chaos, I won’t cause them more stress. I can get more of what I need out of a rehearsal with calm, cool, and collective than fire breathing.

-Be flexible. I never know when someone might call in sick, or somebody didn’t have time to learn the songs, or maybe the worship leader wants to sing a different song than we planned on. It’s live music and sometimes things don’t pan out the way I hear it in my head. And sometimes that’s a good thing.

-Be accountable. I also need to be ready to own things that don’t go well. If I’m accountable then I give myself the chance to make changes for the better in the future.

What do you do to set the tone?

4 Responses to “Set the tone”

  1. Bryan Jones Says:

    You left out one thing Matt; what music do you listen to on the way to church on Sunday? Maybe Richard Marx or Ace of Base? What is it?

  2. Dan Eggenschwiler Says:

    Loving the posts Matt. I love knowing that you take Sunday mornings seriously. I think one of the best lessons I ever learned about corporate worship on Sunday Mornings was when a former worship paster told us that “Sunday morning begins on Saturday night.” We’re able to me much more focused and prepared when we’re properly rested and able to think clearly. It’s not always possible, but when I can get good sleep the night before, I’ve found that I’m in a much better place to worship.

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