Archive for decibels

Can Jesus feel the decibels?

Posted in Audio, Church, Music, Music Director, Musicians, Production, Rehearsal, Sound, Sound engineer, Uncategorized, Worship with tags , , , , , , on October 15, 2010 by mattywayne1

I work on a team that strives to create an experience that moves people towards God.  I love utilizing production to help accomplish that goal. I know that the way church “sounds” is vitally important in creating an irresistible environment.

I don’t love this, but perceived loudness often affects my corporate worship experience. When it’s too loud I get distracted, it hurts my ears, and it usually drives me to criticism. On the contrary, when it’s not loud enough I get very distracted, the experience feels empty, and it drives me to criticism. When I can hear myself sing over the sound of the music, I withdraw.

There is a balance. The sound energy needs to keep pace with the people energy in the room. It’s easy to recognize when it’s too loud, but very few can identify lifeless sound that deflates a worship environment. Be mindful of the latter.

My experience over that last few months at Cross Point has been that when we push the envelope just a little, we engage exceedingly more people than we upset. We’re on a path to lead people deeper into authentic experiences every week. The more distractions we prevent, the better chance we have of continuing to deepen those experiences.

What distracts you from worshiping on Sundays?